Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blu Electronic Cigarettes -

Blu Electronic Cigarettes from are an amazing new product that can be smoked in areas where normal smoking bans are in place such as in bars, planes, restaurants, offices, even hospitals!

I recently purchased their starter kit and was pleasantly surprised at how they tasted and the effect of the nicotine delivery.

Blu Electronic Cigarettes provide an authentic and satisfying smoking experience that feels and looks like traditional smoking, but without the risk to your health.

Blu Electronic Cigarettes work using a small rechargeable battery and a unique, safe replaceable cartridge that contains water, propylene glycol, nicotine, plus a scent that emulates a tobacco, and other flavorings exclusive to Blu.

When you inhale it activates the atomizer which releases simulated smoke that is actually water vapor that is odorless and disappears in a few seconds.

The pack charges your batteries on the go and allows you to carry around 5 cartridges, together with two batteries in a high-quality plastic case that is similar to a normal cigarette pack in size. One Blu cartridge is equal to approximately 15 traditional cigarettes.

So how much do Blu Electronic Cigarettes cost, you are probably wondering? You’ll be pleased to learn they work out much cheaper than regular cigarettes at around $1.25 per pack!

Check out this exciting product now and take a look at the Blu Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit.

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